1,166 research outputs found

    Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) at Schools in the Metropolitan Chicago Region: Are Children Being Left Behind?

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    School achievement at the elementary and secondary level is crucial for children's future success in higher education and the workplace. All children deserve an education that provides them with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed.The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001, a federally mandated education policy signed into law by President Bush, has filtered through our educational system with the promise of preparing disadvantaged students for academic achievement and countering educational inequities. NCLB requires that all states establish a timeline to ensure Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) toward the goal that 100% of students overall and in all designated subgroups are proficient in language arts and math by 2014. If a school or school district has at least forty students in a particular subgroup (White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, Multiracial, Limited English Proficiency, Individualized Education Program, or Low Income), it is accountable for the progress of students in that subgroup toward 100% proficiency.To demonstrate the local effects of NCLB and AYP, MCIC has compiled data that shows where the schools in the metropolitan Chicago region stand in the program. Maps of the six-county area, school achievement by district and Chicago show schools' overall achievement of AYP for the 2003-2004 school year, the most recent data available.There are some clear geographic patterns: The majority of schools not making AYP are in Chicago, most of which are located on the South and West sides. Chicago schools represent 52% of non-performing AYP schools in the region, though they represent only 30% of the total number of reporting schools. However, it is important to note that there are schools not making AYP in each of the six counties in the metropolitan Chicago region

    O programa oficinas permantentes de cultura: icentivando a internacionalização cultural através da extensão

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    Anais do 35º Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul - Área temática: CulturaO Programa Oficinas Permanentes de Cultura atua na comunidade externa e interna do IFRS Canoas desde 2011. Com atividades que vão além do currículo tradicional da Educação Profissional, que dialogam com a comunidade do entorno e com diversas representações e movimentos artístico culturais, possibilita aos cidadãos a vivência com outros contextos sócio culturais e contribui no desenvolvimento da aprendizagem. Em seus objetivos, o Programa busca implementar espaços para construção do conhecimento a partir da linguagem artística – música, fotografia, desenho, teatro, entre outros; valorizar os talentos e estimular a autoestima dos participantes; aproximar a comunidade externa e interna do campus e dialogar e refletir sobre elementos de diversidade cultural e social. Para isso, o Programa promove oficinas no IFRS – Campus Canoas, assim como em escolas da região e, também, eventos de extensão. Além disso, organiza eventos como as Mostras de Artes e Mostras Culturais, os quais se caracterizam por oportunizar maior credibilidade e promoção de ações de extensão. O programa mostra-se eficiente, formando indivíduos com grande abrangência intelectual e, principalmente, participantes com elevada estima e instigados à busca de novos saberes. Concluindo, é possível considerar que a partir das realizações do Programa Oficinas Permanentes de Cultura agregamos à comunidade espaços de desenvolvimento de ideias, de integração e de novas experiência

    Relações públicas e marketing no gerenciamento estratégico de relacionamentos com foco na experiência de consumidores

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    A gestão estratégica de relacionamentos, com foco em ferramentas que promovam experiências positivas em toda jornada de interação do cliente é um diferencial mercadológico que tem ganhado forma frente ao contexto atual. A estratégia tem se mostrado como uma forma de conquistar e reter seus clientes, entregando-lhes benefícios que vão além dos atributos básicos dos produtos ou serviços oferecidos pela organização. Visando esse contexto, o objetivo geral deste estudo é analisar como as organizações aplicam estratégias de relacionamento com consumidores, com foco em experiência, à luz dos conhecimentos de marketing e relações públicas. O objeto de pesquisa escolhido foi a rede de supermercados do Grupo Zaffari, uma organização que faz uso de estratégias de comunicação, estimulando relacionamentos com os públicos através de experiências positivas de interação com a marca. Para análise, foi desenvolvido uma pesquisa descritiva básica, a partir das técnicas de pesquisa bibliográfica e estudo de caso, avaliando cada uma das ações delimitadas a partir do site e redes sociais da organização. Frente aos dados analisados, foi possível afirmar que os supermercados do Grupo Zaffari fazem uso de estratégias de relacionamento que proporcionam experiências aos públicos, gerando conexão e engajamento com seus clientes a partir das perspectivas das áreas de relações públicas e marketing.Strategic relationship management, with a focus on tools that promote positive experiences throughout the customer's interaction journey, is a marketing differential that has taken shape in the current context. The strategy has been shown as a way to conquer and retain its customers, delivering them benefits that go beyond the basic attributes of the products or services offered by the organization. Aiming at this context, the general objective of this study is to analyze how organizations apply consumer relationship strategies, focusing on experience, in the light of marketing and public relations knowledge. The chosen research object was the supermarket chain of Grupo Zaffari, an organization that makes use of communication strategies, stimulating relationships with the public through positive experiences of interaction with the brand. For analysis, a basic descriptive research was developed, from the techniques of bibliographic research and case study, evaluating each of the actions delimited from the website and social networks of the organization. In view of the analyzed data, it was possible to affirm that the supermarkets of the Zaffari Group use relationship strategies that provide experiences to the public, generating connection and engagement with their customers from the perspectives of the public relations and marketing areas

    Rede de Cooperação Digital: utilizando o Amadis como recurso metodológico para o desenvolvimento de comunidades de baixa renda

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    As Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TICs) têm trazido muitosbenefícios para as comunidades de baixa renda por meio da ação de Organizações Não-Governamentais (ONGs), especialmente pela possibilidade de utilização de umambientes de aprendizagem a distância, como o AMADIS. O surgimento da FundaçãoPensamento Digital em Porto Alegre se deu pela motivação da sociedade em apoiarONGs na sua estrutura como um todo. Desse movimento surgiu a Rede de CooperaçãoDigital, que veio suprir muitas necessidades, desde a infra-estrutura para a tecnologia,até a formação técnico-pedagógica das equipes, principalmente dos educadores dasONGs. O AMADIS está gerando um fascínio por parte dos atores envolvidos, com issoproporcionando interação e cooperação entre as ONGs, melhorando muito odesenvolvimento das atividades já praticadas antes, mas agora com muito maismotivação e autonomia. Serão abordadas, neste relato, as estratégias metodológicas eresultados obtidos com o uso do AMADIS, destacando o vínculo afetivo e social entreas ONGs e a equipe pedagógica da Fundação Pensamento Digital

    The Dust Emissivity Spectral Index in the Starless Core TMC-1C

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    In this paper we present a dust emission map of the starless core TMC-1C taken at 2100 microns. Along with maps at 160, 450, 850 and 1200 microns, we study the dust emissivity spectral index from the (sub)millimeter spectral energy distribution, and find that it is close to the typically assumed value of beta = 2. We also map the dust temperature and column density in TMC-1C, and find that at the position of the dust peak (A_V ~ 50), the line-of-sight-averaged temperature is ~7 K. Employing simple Monte Carlo modeling, we show that the data are consistent with a constant value for the emissivity spectral index over the whole map of TMC-1C.Comment: 11 pages, including 5 pages of figures. Accepted to Ap

    Trees Grow on Money: Urban Tree Canopy Cover and Environmental Justice

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    This study examines the distributional equity of urban tree canopy (UTC) cover for Baltimore, MD, Los Angeles, CA, New York, NY, Philadelphia, PA, Raleigh, NC, Sacramento, CA, and Washington, D.C. using high spatial resolution land cover data and census data. Data are analyzed at the Census Block Group levels using Spearman\u27s correlation, ordinary least squares regression (OLS), and a spatial autoregressive model (SAR). Across all cities there is a strong positive correlation between UTC cover and median household income. Negative correlations between race and UTC cover exist in bivariate models for some cities, but they are generally not observed using multivariate regressions that include additional variables on income, education, and housing age. SAR models result in higher r-square values compared to the OLS models across all cities, suggesting that spatial autocorrelation is an important feature of our data. Similarities among cities can be found based on shared characteristics of climate, race/ethnicity, and size. Our findings suggest that a suite of variables, including income, contribute to the distribution of UTC cover. These findings can help target simultaneous strategies for UTC goals and environmental justice concerns

    Delineation and Diagnostic Criteria of Oral-Facial-Digital Syndrome Type VI

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    Oral-Facial-Digital Syndrome type VI (OFD VI) represents a rare phenotypic subtype of Joubert syndrome and related disorders (JSRD). In the original report polydactyly, oral findings, intellectual disability, and absence of the cerebellar vermis at post-mortem characterized the syndrome. Subsequently, the molar tooth sign (MTS) has been found in patients with OFD VI, prompting the inclusion of OFD VI in JSRD. We studied the clinical, neurodevelopmental, neuroimaging, and genetic findings in a cohort of 16 patients with OFD VI. We derived the following inclusion criteria from the literature: 1) MTS and one oral finding and polydactyly, or 2) MTS and more than one typical oral finding. The OFD VI neuroimaging pattern was found to be more severe than in other JSRD subgroups and includes severe hypoplasia of the cerebellar vermis, hypoplastic and dysplastic cerebellar hemispheres, marked enlargement of the posterior fossa, increased retrocerebellar collection of cerebrospinal fluid, abnormal brainstem, and frequently supratentorial abnormalities that occasionally include characteristic hypothalamic hamartomas. Additionally, two new JSRD neuroimaging findings (ascending superior cerebellar peduncles and fused thalami) have been identified. Tongue hamartomas, additional frenula, upper lip notch, and mesoaxial polydactyly are specific findings in OFD VI, while cleft lip/palate and other types of polydactyly of hands and feet are not specific. Involvement of other organs may include ocular findings, particularly colobomas. The majority of the patients have absent motor development and profound cognitive impairment. In OFD VI, normal cognitive functions are possible, but exceptional. Sequencing of known JSRD genes in most patients failed to detect pathogenetic mutations, therefore the genetic basis of OFD VI remains unknown. Compared with other JSRD subgroups, the neurological findings and impairment of motor development and cognitive functions in OFD VI are significantly worse, suggesting a correlation with the more severe neuroimaging findings. Based on the literature and this study we suggest as diagnostic criteria for OFD VI: MTS and one or more of the following: 1) tongue hamartoma(s) and/or additional frenula and/or upper lip notch; 2) mesoaxial polydactyly of one or more hands or feet; 3) hypothalamic hamartoma